100 Widgets 101 This is widget subsystem node. If Active checkbox is checked, widget subsystem starts to wait for selection changes and activates/deactivates widgets from inside of encapsulator. 102 The widget node is encapsulator for widget prototype. Help string and icon are used for Swap widget menu for tooltips and for better widget identification. 103 Active widget is activated counterpart of widget. 104 Tomas Bujnak, Caligari Corp. 105 The Coordinate systems are used to evaluate the coordinate system in which widget operates. There are three coordinate systems supported by this node: Local, Screen, World, accessed through appropriate connectors. 106 Tool manager hook that connects background widgets with mouse tools 107 Active widget controller manages all actions related to base widgets, which includes: widget action activation and deactivation, undo - redo operation grouping, transformation of coordinate systems, base widget state handling and transformation matrices evaluation. Active widget controller communicates directly with D3D view window through Base widget connector. 108 Background widget controller handles management of background base widgets. 109 The widget Aspect is used to specify the widget aspect within the widget. The Coordinate system input connector specifies the default coordinate system to be used with nodes if no coordinate system is specified by linking connectors to coordinate system nodes. 110 Static widget controller is intended to simplify definition of widget parts without actions. This node therefore does not contain Gestures input and visibility is determined directly from its Visible input connector. 111 Gesture node connects actions and activation condition with widget controller. If mouse cursor is above widget shape, widget controller sends mouse messages to gesture node. Node checks, if activation condition is true (defined through InputFilter). If yes, gesture initializes connected tools and activates them. Gesture can activate two types of actions - Activities, they are executed in button-like style (activated on button release), and Widget tools, activated in tool style 112 State of Alt key 113 State of Ctrl key 114 State of Shift key 115 Left mouse button click state 116 Left mouse button doubleclick state 117 Left mouse button drag state 118 Middle mouse button click state 119 Middle mouse button doubleclick state 120 Middle mouse button drag state 121 Right mouse button click state 122 Right mouse button drag state 123 Right mouse button doubleclick state 124 Transforms input states to output; output states are exclusive. 125 Transforms input states to output; output states are exclusive. 126 Open panel of current widget. You can specify aspect and thus create various setting panells for widget. 127 Action sequence designed primarily for dynapick widgets 128 Custom activation script node. Script is executed upon widget activation. 129 Camera type switch. Node can be used to create different widgets for orthogonal and projective cameras. 130 Coordinate system with mode defined by preferences panel. Can be used to specify coordinate system for widget. Coordinate system also compensates for perspective scaling. 131 Coordinate system with mode defined by preferences panel. Can be used to specify coordinate system for widget. Widget size will obey perspective rules. 132 World origin (0,0,0) docking position. Use this docking position to set widget position to world center (for example when using generated widget meshes) 133 Selection center docking position. This is simplified version of selection bbox docking, where only selection center is evaluated. 134 Node evaluates various positions on bbox of current selection. Each docking position can be used to specify widget base position. 135 Screen docking node evaluates world space position that will be transformed to specified sceen space coordinates. This node is intended to evaluate positions for view specific widgets like View widget or sprites or 3D sprite menu. 136 Node evaluates various positions on view dependant bounding rectangle. 137 Computes offset position from center of active nodes according to desired mode. Mode 0 - Displacement is evaluated in coordinate system, Mode 1 - Displacement is evaluated in World space, Mode 2 - Displacement is evaluated in Screen space 138 Docking position computed as average of pivot positions. 139 Node evaluates various positions on bounding box of active nodes. 140 Anchor (first node in selection) origin docking position. 141 Node evaluates anchor's (first node in selection) bounding box docking positions. 142 Camera active status switch. Use this node to create different widgets for local / non-local camera; local means that control set anchor equals current view. 143 Widget movement wrapper command for script form representation. Selection contains set of objects, x,y,z define delta step to move selection. 144 Widget rotate wrapper command for script form representation. Selection contains set of objects, yaw, pitch, roll define rotation, x,y,z define center of rotation. 145 Command activates user widget specified by search path. If widget path contains encapsulator, it performs searching of most suitable widget for specified selection. 146 Slider controller preferably used with wheel gestures. 147 Widget button style node (command). After activation, it deactivates current widget. 149 Widget button style node (command) that opens panel for each selected object after activation. 150 Widget button style node(command) that executes specified simple script after activation. It supports undo by providing script command also for undo action. If undo script is not provided, command history is deleted. 151 Widget core widget activation command. Activates specified widget and provides undo/redo for widget activation. 152 Widget core command. Activates widget to specified widgets group. Widget group is not deactivated. 153 Widget core command. Perform widget deactivation. Also handles deactivation of depending groups and undo/redo for deactivation event. 154 Widget core command. Reset active widget and perform it's reinitialization. Used to spread template changes to instances. 155 Widget core command. Used to replaced activated widget by another one. 156 Continous widget command sequence helper. 157 Widget core command. Synchronization command that performs postponed widget update. 158 Simple direct transform undo/redo command. 159 Helper command, that handles undo/redo for specified multiple connectors. 160 Helper command, that handles undo/redo of single float connector. 161 Widget scale wrapper command for script form representation. Selection contains set of objects, sx,sy,sz,hx,hy,hz, define scale and shear, px,py,pz define center of operation. 162 Scene widget controller. Activates widget only if it is not obscured by scene geometry. 163 Widget rotate in world wrapper command for script form representation. Selection contains set of objects, yaw, pitch, roll define rotation, x,y,z define center of rotation. 164 Activate default widget for current selection. 165 Widget component that hides object when widget is activated for it. 166 Object hide helper for widget object hide function 167 Mouse wheel state 168 Re-activation command for walk through camera widget action. 169 Widget rendering data object. 170 List of nodes that are manipulated by widget. 171 3D toolbar identification DO. 172 Widget node that is used to change position of controlled objects transform matrices. 173 Camera Roll rotates eye camera around axis formed by Center input and camera position. 174 Select object Command raycasts scene and selects nearest object under mouse cursor. According to select/deselect connectors, object is either added, removed or toggled from global selection. 175 Camera FOV modifies field of view for projective cameras and zoom factor for orthogonal views. 176 Camera navigate uses mouse X coordinate to rotate controlled objects around global Y axis and Y coordinate to perform movement in local Z axis. Rotation and Movement speed can be defined by speeds input. 177 Camera look around uses mouse X and Y coordinates to perform rotation around local X axis (looking Up and Down) and global Y axis (looking left and right). Rotation speed can be defined by appropriate speed inputs. 178 Camera walk starts moving controlled object in its Z direction with constant speed defined by Walk speed. It uses mouse X and Y coordinates to perform rotation around local X axis (looking Up and Down) and global Y axis (looking left and right). 179 Linear slider provides controlling of all floating point inputs that request limited real linear range of input values. Slider range is defined by RangeHi and RangeLo inputs. Controlled connector is defined by example with connecting Connector to node with requested connector. 180 Scale action performs scaling of controlled objects around Center in XY widget shape coordinate space. Scaling can be enabled or disabled for each axis. Scaling coefficients can be computed relative to center of scaling, or they can be evaluated from direction of widget coordinate system. Uniform scaling scales along all three axes with equal coefficient. 181 Screen docking move changes relative position of widget on the screen docking, therefore this node can be only used with screen docking node. Action is linked to docking node by Docking position input. Movement can be enabled or disabled for X and Y axes. 182 Widget move moves widget from its original position. Movement is performed in widget shape XY space, where movement along X and Y axes can be enabled or disabled by EnableX and EnableY inputs. 183 Linear move action performs similar operation as Move action, the difference is in movement step calculation. Slider type move action does not count perspective into movement step evaluation. Movement speed can be altered by Speed input. 184 Move action performs movement of controlled objects. Movement step is computed from widget local coordinate system so, that moved object tracks cursor. If movement along both coordinate axes is enabled, widget XY plane is taken. If only one axis is enabled, the second one is selected to make movements most precise. 185 Linear world rotate performs similar action as Linear rotate, but instead of rotation in widget space it always performs rotation in world coordinate space. 186 Linear rotate action performs rotation of controlled objects around Center. Rotation is performed around X and Y axes, angle is computed from mouse step and projection of widget X axis to screen. Rotation around X or Y axis can be disabled or enabled by EnableX and EnableY inputs. Rotation speed can be controlled by Speed input. 187 Rotate action performs rotation of controlled objects around Center. Rotation is performed around widget Z axis. Angle of rotation is evaluated in widget XY space. 188 Axes rotation provides similar, but more general functionality as Axes Swap. By this node, you are able to transform operation coordinate system by a matrix. The matrix can be inversed before multiplication. Multiplication is performed only if Enable is true 189 Widgets operate on the same coordinate system, which is used to transform widget shape to world space. Sometimes it is required to alter this default behavior - for example trueSpace default behavior for movement is LClick moves in XY, RClick moves in Z. This operation is however accessed through one surface. This node can be used to reorder and swap coordinate system axes. 190 Marek Kovac 191 Denormalized coordinate system allowing objects scaling 192 Input value sensor node used for scanning value of specifiec connector 193 Evaluates docking box at anchor node with specific fixed dimensions 194 User interface agent that synchronizes button states with active managed widgets. 195 Widget shortcut node - allows to assing shortcuts for widget. 196 Coordinate system which is kept aligned on axis but scale and position is calculated 197 Snapper shape collects all snapping shapes generated by snapping tools. 198 Rectangle zoom to area 199 Keyboard button state node. 200 Helper command to change value of connector holding keyboard button name. 201 Coordinate systems are used to specify coordinate system for widget operations. This one scales coordinate system so, that the widget will have the same on-screen size. 202 Coordinate system data object. 203 Docking position represents coordinate in world space where widget will be docked. 204 State for key/mouse state filters. 205 Widget action data. Empty formal data object used for connecting gestures to widget actions. 206 List of nodes for which widget subsystem searches for widget. 207 Widget component formal data, used to connect various widget nodes. Type is used as filter for LE. 208 Holds widget matching weigths. 209 Callback data object used for out-of kernel evaluation of various resources required for widget rendering and manipulation. 210 Callback data object used for out-of kernel evaluation of materials, shapes and matrices required for widget rendering. 211 Change aspect command displays change aspect menu acquired from widget aspect definition. 212 Coordinate system that computes 3D position of 2D screen point. 213 Align coordinate system Z axis with world coordinate Z axis. 214 Replace operations coordinate system. This node allows to tweak widget nodes to detect movements in one coordinate system and perform actions in the other. 215 Move position of object pivot. 216 Simple slider provides controlling of all floating point inputs that request limited real linear range of input values. Slider range is defined by RangeHi and RangeLo inputs. Controlled connector is defined by example with connecting Connector to node with requested connector. 217 Anton Mateasik, Caligari corp. 218 Return selection center of gravity as a docking position. 219 Visualization controller selects widget mesh according to its three states. Widget can be in this states: Active - mesh caused tool activation, Operating - widget is in active state and performing some actions and Default - all other states. Controller also provides cursor distance output, which ranges from 0 to 1 (0 is when mouse floats above mesh, 1 is when mouse cursor is more than 100 pixels away from mesh). Note, than if you don't specify OnOperating or OnActive mesh, base widget will hide. 220 Functionality of this node is similar to Visualization controller, but it provides only one mesh, matrix, attributes and material input. It was designed for optimization purposes. 221 Widget node that synchronizes widget internal list of objects with current selection. 222 Widget node that synchronizes widget internal list of objects with active view eye camera. 223 For automatically activated widgets, the Automatic activation node is used to scan the widget and object for which the widget is being searched and evaluate the match weight of the widget and the actions it contains. 224 Input connector sensor node is used for scanning connectors of nodes for connector presence. List of nodes is provided by widget subsystem through Widget activation request, connectors are specified by linking them to Connectors connector. 225 Output connector sensor node is used for scanning connectors of nodes for connector presence. List of nodes is provided by widget subsystem through Widget activation request, connectors are specified by linking them to Connectors connector. 226 Helper node that evaluates color according to widget - cursor distance nad input colors. It is intended to compute highlight colors. 227 Toggle raycasted object in active selection. 228 Evaluate various corners of selection bounding box as docking position. 229 Perform boolean AND of all connectors connected to input. 230 Perform boolean OR of all connectors connected to input. 231 Perform boolean XOR of all connectors connected to input. 232 Widget action that alter speed parameter of selected nodes. 233 Move object and constrain movement with collision detection if enabled. 234 Compute bounding sphere of widget's anchor node. 235 3D toolbar manager 236 3D toolbar button 237 Enables adding toolbars to widgets. When widget gets activated, node creates toolbar defined by prototype. If widget is deactivated, toolbar will be closed. 238 Left mouse button state. 239 Right mouse button state. 240 Middle mouse button state. 241 Widget transform undo redo command. 242 Anchor coordinate system 243 Widgets blocking select helper command. 244 On activation, change list value to next item. 245 Helper for setting value on RdStrEnum connector. 246 Caligari Corp. 247 Allows Drag&Drop objects 248 Select helper command that opens default widget for new selection. 249 Update selection and deactivate widgets containing specified nodes. 250 Close managed widgets helper command. Use before performing topology operations on a graph followed by result node selection. 251 Axis slider provides control of two float parameters based on horizontal and vertical direction mouse dragging 252 Inverts value of specified connector 253 General transform script command. 254 Photo render area widget node. 255 Control cage widget